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20 Results

  • Adult Programs

    PAL Programs are designed to be affordable and available at appropriate times throughout the year to the target audience. While some of the programs are year-round, many are divided in one, five, six or eight week sessions and others are seasonal.
  • Disaster Relief

    When a town is hit by a natural disaster, the disaster relief team assists in what ever is needed once the area is safe to go to. Sometimes it is local where other times we are traveling to a different state to assist in relief efforts.
  • Flag Football

    Flag football rules are similar to those of the mainstream game, but instead of tackling players to the ground, the defensive team must remove a flag belt from the ball carrier to end a down, and contact is not permitted between players.
  • Health & Wellness

    Stay active by signing up for one of our Adult Programs! These programs promote physical fitness and mental awareness.
  • Helping Hands Art & Exercise

    Our goal for this program is multifaceted: to learn, to explore, to meet new people, and to promote overall good health and well-being. We incorporate job training into all components of the program. Additionally, we hope to raise awareness for our Helping Hands artists with autism and developmental disabilities. We envision a world in which each human being is respected and embraced for their unique and special gifts and celebrated for their ability to perceive the world with a different yet remarkable eye. Helping Hands Art and More was created by three women with over 40 years combined experience in special education. The idea was borne from seeing one of our graduating students struggle to find meaning and a purpose in his life after high school. He had been a graduate for months and still had not found a replacement that he enjoyed as much as his high school experience. This heightened our awareness to the very limited opportunities for the 21 and above population. As cooperating instructors in a high school autism program, we had heard this repeatedly in the many workshops we have attended, but it did not truly resonate until we saw it happen to one of our own. Our students shift from a full seven to nine hour day filled with art, exercise, socialization, structure, and meaning in school, to one which lacks everything that has become such an important piece of who they are. With Helping Hands Art and Exercise, we have created a meaningful opportunity for young adults transitioning to full-time life in the community and for adults who would simply like to try something new.
  • High School Youth Leadership Council

    PAL Mission Statement The Howell Twp. PAL's mission in our community is to giver every child the opportunity to participate in everyday childhood activities in a safe and caring environment. We do this through a number of programs. Our goal is to provide diversity in our programs in order to reach the greatest number of young people. We also strive to foster a partnership between the youth and the police officers in the community. This is and of itself a tremendous asset to our community. Whenever you have young people in the community playing and working with police officers, the community will benefit. Joining PAL: There are active and un-active members Active members- attend meetings regularly, pay dues, attend service projects outside of the meetings, complete 90 hours of community service per year, and are eligible to travel Associate members- attend meetings on occasion, pay dues, complete under 90 hours of community service per year and are not eligible to travel Service Hours Log: All community service hours should be logged on a monthly service hour's log including the date of event, event name time in, time out, and total hours. The first meeting of the month, the previous months hour sheet is due and should be handed in. Advisors will look over the members hour log and verify the log with the attendance book kept at each event and then an Advisor will sign the log and hand it back to the member. Board Members: Being a board member is a privilege and with it comes great responsibility, to become a board member one- must be in the group for at least 6 months of the PAL year (June 1st-May 31st), attend a minimum of 50% of meetings/events, show up 30 minutes prior to the start of each meeting to discuss the agenda, must write a letter of interest to become a member of the board, then elections will be held. If Board member decides to leave the position, the Advisor's/President will then appoint someone to finish out their term. Reasons to be removed from the Board 1. Lack of participation 2. Lack of cooperation 3. Not following the code of conduct 4. Disrespectful to others 5. Any behavior detrimental to group 6. Criminal activity Some members will be assigned to be the lead person with certain events going on, depending upon what it is the member will either volunteer or be asked to help run an activity. Attendance: All members are expected to attend all meetings, unless they are excused from the meeting which include, previous obligation (family function/sporting event) or sickness. Please tell a board member if you will not be able to attend a meeting so we know how many people to expect in attendance each meeting. All members are asked to bring a pen/paper to each meeting as well as $2.00 in dues which covers the cost of food/drink when it is ordered at the meeting. Speakers: Each meeting there is either one or two members chosen to deliver a speech on a topic or their choice or one selected by the group. The speech only has to be a few minutes long. Traveling: Over the years our group has had the opportunity to travel to numerous places, in order for a member to travel they must- show their commitment to the program by attending a majority of the meetings/events, can NOT be failing any classes at time of travel (minimum of C), dues must be current, and no code of conduct violations. Service Programs/Volunteer Activities: The PAL program has grown in the types of activities we provide for the community. 1. PALS PALS, takes place every Monday at Memorial Elementary School. The volunteers work with children 1st-8th grade all of which have Special Needs. The volunteers try to teach them how to interact with other children their age. They take part in playing fun activities with the children such as kickball, basketball, wiffle ball, bowling, and playing outside on the playground. Volunteers also help with doing arts and crafts activities. Then all the children have a snack. 2. Sports camps are setup each summer, at some point PAl members are asked to come help whether it be serving food or helping out where needed. 3. Holiday giveaways- On Christmas morning members go to local Hospitals to spread some Holiday cheer by handing out gifts and singing some Holiday songs to the patients. 4. Clean Community Days- members clean up certain areas in the town. 5. Christmas Eve Bowling- Our PALS PALS kids come out for lunch and to bowl with the mentors and are given presents. Fundraising: Fundraising is a big part to the program and helps our group be able to do all that we do. Some fundraising events we do are- 1. Old Monmouth Candies 2. Joe Cordis 3. Atlantic City Bus trip (21 and over) These are only a few of the ways we raise money. Stay connected through Remind101- text 81010 with the message @howell
  • Middle School Youth Leadership Council

    PAL Mission Statement The Howell Twp. PAL's mission in our community is to giver every child the opportunity to participate in everyday childhood activities in a safe and caring environment. We do this through a number of programs. Our goal is to provide diversity in our programs in order to reach the greatest number of young people. We also strive to foster a partnership between the youth and the police officers in the community. This is and of itself a tremendous asset to our community. Whenever you have young people in the community playing and working with police officers, the community will benefit. Joining PAL: There are active and un-active members Active members- attend meetings regularly, pay dues, attend service projects outside of the meetings, complete 90 hours of community service per year, and are eligible to travel Associate members- attend meetings on occasion, pay dues, complete under 90 hours of community service per year and are not eligible to travel Service Hours Log: All community service hours should be logged on a monthly service hour's log including the date of event, event name time in, time out, and total hours. The first meeting of the month, the previous months hour sheet is due and should be handed in. Advisors will look over the members hour log and verify the log with the attendance book kept at each event and then an Advisor will sign the log and hand it back to the member. Board Members: Being a board member is a privilege and with it comes great responsibility, to become a board member one- must be in the group for at least 6 months of the PAL year (June 1st-May 31st), attend a minimum of 50% of meetings/events, show up 30 minutes prior to the start of each meeting to discuss the agenda, must write a letter of interest to become a member of the board, then elections will be held. If Board member decides to leave the position, the Advisor's/President will then appoint someone to finish out their term. Reasons to be removed from the Board 1. Lack of participation 2. Lack of cooperation 3. Not following the code of conduct 4. Disrespectful to others 5. Any behavior detrimental to group 6. Criminal activity Some members will be assigned to be the lead person with certain events going on, depending upon what it is the member will either volunteer or be asked to help run an activity. Attendance: All members are expected to attend all meetings, unless they are excused from the meeting which include, previous obligation (family function/sporting event) or sickness. Please tell a board member if you will not be able to attend a meeting so we know how many people to expect in attendance each meeting. All members are asked to bring a pen/paper to each meeting as well as $2.00 in dues which covers the cost of food/drink when it is ordered at the meeting. Speakers: Each meeting there is either one or two members chosen to deliver a speech on a topic or their choice or one selected by the group. The speech only has to be a few minutes long. Traveling: Over the years our group has had the opportunity to travel to numerous places, in order for a member to travel they must- show their commitment to the program by attending a majority of the meetings/events, can NOT be failing any classes at time of travel (minimum of C), dues must be current, and no code of conduct violations. Service Programs/Volunteer Activities: The PAL program has grown in the types of activities we provide for the community. 1. PALS PALS, takes place every Monday at Memorial Elementary School. The volunteers work with children 1st-8th grade all of which have Special Needs. The volunteers try to teach them how to interact with other children their age. They take part in playing fun activities with the children such as kickball, basketball, wiffle ball, bowling, and playing outside on the playground. Volunteers also help with doing arts and crafts activities. Then all the children have a snack. 2. Sports camps are setup each summer, at some point PAl members are asked to come help whether it be serving food or helping out where needed. 3. Holiday giveaways- On Christmas morning members go to local Hospitals to spread some Holiday cheer by handing out gifts and singing some Holiday songs to the patients. 4. Clean Community Days- members clean up certain areas in the town. 5. Christmas Eve Bowling- Our PALS PALS kids come out for lunch and to bowl with the mentors and are given presents. Fundraising: Fundraising is a big part to the program and helps our group be able to do all that we do. Some fundraising events we do are- 1. Old Monmouth Candies 2. Joe Cordis 3. Atlantic City Bus trip (21 and over) These are only a few of the ways we raise money. Stay connected through Remind101- text 81010 with the message @howell
  • P.A.L.S. PALS

    Each week a fun activity is planned with the assistance of PAL employees and volunteers. The children are given the opportunity to learn appropriate socialization skills, interact with other children their age, and go on various community trips.
  • SAT Preparation Course

    Every year, colleges are flooded with thousands of applications from qualified students. Competition is on the rise and admissions counselors are focusing on students with strong STA scores. With the Howell PAL Prep course, you can rest assured knowing that your child is getting the best help available. From small class sizes to the guaranteed satisfaction, Howell PAL test prep tutors teach according to your child's individual needs. The college admissions process can be extremely stressful on your child and you as a parent. Why not alleviate the stress of taking college admissions tests by getting the best prep around?

    Each week a fun activity is planned with the assistance of PAL employees. The children are given the opportunity to learn appropriate socialization skills, interact with other children their age, and go on various community trips.
  • STAR

    Each week a fun activity is planned with the assistance of PAL employees. The children are given the opportunity to learn appropriate socialization skills, interact with other children their age, and go on various community trips.
  • Sports & Clubs

    The PAL offers a variety of high quality sports and co-curricular activities with experienced coaches and advisors throughout the year.
  • Summer Camps & Clinics

    We offer numerous camps/clinics for all ages during the summer months.
  • Tai Chi

    What is Tai Chi? Tai Chi is a noncompetitive, self paced system of gentle physical exercise and stretching. To do Tai Chi, you perform a series of postures or movements in a slow,graceful manner. Each posture flows into the next without pausing. Anyone, regardless of age or physical ability, can practice this form. Tai Chi is used to reduce stress, increase flexibility, improve muscle strength and definition, increase energy, stamina and agility and increase feelings of well being.
  • Yoga

    Yoga massages all organs in the body while increasing flexibility & lubrication of the joints, ligaments, & tendons. Yoga improves circulation, stimulates the abdominal organs, and puts pressure on the glandular system of the body, which can generally result to better health.
  • Youth Leadership / Mentoring

    The Howell PAL YLC Program, which began in 2002, now has over one hundred student members who truly represent the future of Howell Township and surrounding areas. This outstanding group of teen and young adults, with dedication and desire, continually provide service to Howell Township and beyond. Once service project example involves adopting and beautifying streets, parks, play areas, and other areas in need of clean up and improvement. Another on-going service project benefits the Howell Township Senior Citizen community whereby the YLC provides meals to seniors, and organizes and conducts needed "handyman" or Spring and Fall clean-ups for seniors who can no longer care for and maintain their homes and property without help. More important, the YLC provides friendship and comfort to those who often find themselves alone and lonely. A college Leadership Council/Alumni Association has also begun that allows successful young adults the ability to stay involved in PAL activities and to mentor our younger students.
  • Youth Programs

    PAL Programs are designed to be affordable and available at appropriate times throughout the year to the target audience. While some of the programs are year-round, many are divided in one, five, six or eight week sessions and others are seasonal.