We are committed to providing activities and program for all segments of the community. We offer adult program for anyone 18 and older.
Before and After Care for Kindergarten through Fifth Grade and The Early Learning Centers
SF2 Coaching, Reiki Energy Healing and Guided Group Meditation
Schools out so keep the kids busy during the summer!
We are committed to providing activities and program for all segments of the community.
When a disaster hits, Howell PAL is one of the few PAL chapters that has a disaster relief team.
Stay active by signing up for one of our Adult Programs! These programs promote physical fitness and mental awareness.
The PAL offers a variety of high quality sports and co-curricular activities with experienced coaches and advisors throughout the year.
This mentoring program is available to high school and middle school students. Meetings are held twice a month for each age group.
Self-defense is a set of awareness, assertiveness, verbal confrontation skills, safety strategies, and physical techniques that enable someone to successfully escape, resist, and survive violent attacks. Join Howell PAL in their 90 minute Women's Self Defense class.
Class is being taught by certified instructor Fred Bauer
Fred Bauer, Director of the Gung Ho Chuan Association (GHCA) and 2nd Regent of the American Society of Arwrologists, holds a 5th degree black belt and is a Self-Protection expert.
(Ret.) Corporal Bauer is a career law enforcement officer with over 29 years of experience. Twenty of those years were spent serving with the tactical operations unit, MOCERT (Monmouth County Emergency Response Team).
Mr. Bauer as conducted overseas operations and VIP protective details in Bosnia, Kosovo and Kenya. Additionally he has trained members of President Hamid Karzai’s Protection Detail, US Air Marshals and members of the Jordanian Special Forces and Home Guard. His credentials include: US Marine Corps Close Combat Instructor, State Dept. certified DT Instructor, International Police Task Force DT Instructor.
Mr. Bauer authored American Arwrology: The Science of All-Out Hand-to-Hand Fighting and is contributing editor for Raider magazine.
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